I studied Philosophy and Journalism and have worked as a news editor and reporter. Currently, I freelance and indulge my creative side by writing fiction. My short stories have found a home in literary magazines and anthologies both locally and internationally.
Born in Bucharest, Romania, my affinity for photography dates back to my childhood when I assisted my grandfather in documenting the lives of families in a remote village in the Apuseni Mountains. Over a decade ago, I attended a photography school, where I was introduced to the works of renowned masters such as Koudelka, Economopoulos, Gruyaert, Webb, Pellegrin, and others. Their influence has significantly altered my perspective on the world.
My main focus in photography centers on capturing the human presence within its surrounding environment. I am drawn to the peculiar aspects of ordinary life, seeking the surreal in everyday moments and firmly believing in the creation of a dreamlike realm using only real elements. The geometry of objects and of landscapes, the emotions captured in facial expressions, the chromatic and dynamics – all are genuine, and they carry an inherent sense of wonder. I am equally fascinated by the natural solitude experienced by individuals, even in the midst of a bustling crowd.
The realms of writing and photography mutually influence each other in my creative pursuits.